Pakistan Relief Needed

Meets Tuesday at 11:45 AM, Hilton Hotel Southwest

Pakistan Earthquake Relief

Devastation & Death!

On Oct. 8, 2005, a devastating earthquake hit Pakistan at 8:50am local time. This was a massive quake measuring 7.6 on the Richter scale and was the strongest earthquake in Pakistan’s history. Estimates of deaths approach 80 thousand, and countless thousands of others are without water, food, or shelter.

Thousands Dead & Homeless

The center of the earthquake was 95km northeast of Islamabad in Kashmir. Initial estimates are that about fifty percent of the buildings in Muzaffarabad have collapsed or are uninhabitable. Similar devastating news is slowly pouring in from other areas. Entire villages have been wiped out in landslides. Roads in the hilly northern areas have been severely damaged and access is limited, further contributing to lack of information on extent of damage.

The Rotary Club of Sharpstown has a relationship with a sister Rotary Club in Pakistan – with whom we have been supporting the work of a women’s clinic. Now we are working to help provide the thing which is in shortest supply in the quake area: SHELTER!

Emergency supplies of food, water and even medical supplies have been and continue to be delivered to the quake area. But – with so many structures severely damaged or totally destroyed – and with the rapid approach of the very cold Pakistani winter – providing shelter for the homeless is becoming more important every day.

If you would like to contribute toward this effort, please DONATE via our PayPal donation link. You can use credit cards without having a PayPal account With a PayPal account checks and direct transfers from your bank account can be approved.

We thank you for your consideration…and your support.

The Rotary Club of Sharpstown, its members and their companies, have contributed approximately $2,500 to the Rotary Club of Karachi – Uqab, the Rotary Club of Karachi – Cosmopolitan and Khidmat-e-Kahlk Foundation to purchase blankets and other relief supplies. We invite you to particiapte as well.

Service Above Self!

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    Last updated December 20, 2003